Marriott International presented their collaboration with India’s leading designer duo – Abu Jani & Sandeep Khosla for “Shaadi by Marriott”. The stalwarts came together to curate an extraordinary wedding experience with the stunning Sonam Kapoor as showstopper, adding to the glitz and glamour of the evening! The event played host to the country’s glitterati, celebrities and socialites, gracing the red carpet were Jaya Bachchan, Shweta Nanda, Amrita Singh, Sarah Khan and Disha Patani.
The show unfurled a never done before representation of Shaadi by Marriott through a 5-part fashion sequence that showcased Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla’s bridal couture collection for this season. With an utterly novel take on the Indian bride, each wedding ritual from the engagement to the haldi, and finally the shaadi, was brought alive for Shaadi by Marriott through their designs.
Commenting on the occasion, Neeraj Govil, Area Vice President – South Asia, Marriott International said, “It has been a pleasure to collaborate with Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla who share the same passions and values as Marriott International. With this association we intend to elevate our Wedding brand ‘Shaadi by Marriott’ to a whole new level.Through such unique partnerships & initiatives we look to offer our guests handcrafted experiences like never before.”
Say Abu Jani& Sandeep Khosla– “As India’s leading hospitality player, feted for hosting the most outstanding weddings, it was a natural decision to partner with Marriott International. We are delighted with how spectacularly it all turned out. This collection is our most ambitious and extravagant to date. Impossibly Romantic and utterly refined, it was created to break our own artistic bar. Our shared mission was to create the ultimate wedding experience and set a new standard of excellence, customization and celebration. We hope that together we have brought the Fantasy Wedding alive”