Following the commencement of first flight between Delhi and Shimla under regional connectivity scheme, Air India’s, wholly owned subsidiary Alliance Air begins its second flight service under UDAN scheme on Delhi-Gwalior-Indore-Mumbai route today. The newly launched flight service will be operated by the 70-seater ATR 72-600all economy class aircraft.
Delhi-Gwalior, Mumbai-Indore and Indore-Mumbai routes will not fall under regional connectivity scheme while benefits of the scheme will apply on other routes that is Gwalior-Delhi with fare of INR 1830, Gwalior-Indore with fare of INR 2500 and Indore-Gwalior with fare of INR 2500.
Operating three days a week on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, flight 9I 628 will depart from Delhi at 0950hrs and reach Gwalior at 1050hrs. The onward flight from Gwalior will depart at 1120hrs to reach Indore at 1235hrs and then leave Indore at 1305hrs to land at Mumbai at 1450hrs. Flight 9I 627 on Mumbai-Indore-Gwalior-Delhi route will leave Mumbai at 1030hrs and reach Indore at 1215hrs. The flight will then leave Indore at 1250hrs to reach Gwalior at 1400hrs and furthermore, the flight from Gwalior will leave at 1430hrs and land at Delhi airport at 1530hrs.
This flight will immensely benefit connectivity of Madhya Pradesh’s major cities, Gwalior and Indore with Delhi and Mumbai, thereby providing a seamless air connectivity between both cities of the state.