In order to strengthen its presence in India, Brand USA recently organized a 3-city India Mission. The Mission, in Mumbai, Chennai and New Delhi, witnessed an overwhelming response as over 800 professionals attended the Mission. The Mission comprised of 37 U.S. companies that included representatives from tourism boards, hotels, receptive operators, tourist attractions and other services, the largest group of 51 delegates visiting till now.
“We are happy to see that visitation by Indian travelers to the United States is growing year–over-year. With 1.17 million visitors in 2016, India was the 11th highest ranked country by arrival numbers. However, in visitor spending India ranked 6th, higher than several countries with greater arrival numbers to the U.S. The year 2017 has also been declared the U.S.- India Travel and Tourism Partnership Year, and amongst the host of promotions undertaken by Brand USA in-market, the annual India Mission continues to be a major initiative for enhancing visitation from India,” Mr. Christopher L. Thompson, President and CEO, Brand USA said, in a press communiqué.
Sheema Vohra, Managing Director, Brand USA in India added, “We are delighted that the Brand USA India Mission 2017 was an immense success at all cities they visited, giving our Indian business partners lucrative opportunities for business collaborations. The tourism potential of New Age India is huge and our endeavor is to continue promoting the unparalleled tourism offerings of the United States of America, to this strata of discerning travelers.”