Cleartrip, one of India’s most comprehensive travel and leisure activity platforms, has launched of ‘Cleartrip Instant Search’ for its mobile app on both Android and iOS platforms. The new and improved search feature is aimed at significantly reducing the time taken to search and book hotel rooms on the Cleartrip mobile app.
‘Cleartrip Instant Search’ is innovative yet simple. Go to the hotel search form, select the city/locality and enter your dates. The search is fired in the background and the number of hotels that match your criteria shows up in the “Show hotels” button. Click on the “Show hotels” button and the results are served instantly.
Subramanya Sharma, CMO and Head of Products, Cleartrip said, “At Cleartrip, we’ve always aimed to make travel decisions fast and easy for our users. Today, when time-strapped travellers are seeking on-the-go options for planning travel, showing the most relevant accommodation results in the shortest time span is integral to optimising the booking experience, particularly on mobile, which is where most of the traffic comes at the present time. This thought has led to the launch of Cleartrip ‘Instant Search’ feature on our mobile app. We believe that the time a traveller spends making holiday plans is precious, and making every second that a Cleartrip user spends on our app count is a priority for us.”
With Cleartrip’s mobile share of traffic being 75 per cent today ‘Instant Search’ marks another step in Cleartrip’s intent to be increasingly aligned with its mobile users’ needs. The traction that its revolutionary ‘Tuxedo’ flow received with its desktop website has been an encouragement for this launch. Since its launch, the feature has dramatically reduced the time taken for loading search results; according to Cleartrip’s platform data collated over the last ten days, more than 85 per cent iOS users saw their search results displayed in two seconds or less, marking a 75 per cent reduction in load times as compared to the previous eight seconds.