IndiGo continues to record the highest On Time performance of 86.6 per cent in April 2018, as per the Traffic Report released by Directorate General of Civil Aviation Expressing his thoughts, Sanjay Kumar, Chief Commercial Officer, IndiGo said, “On-Time performance is core to our business and is one of the three values that IndiGo stands for. We are happy to record 86.6 per cent OTP for 6E flights operating out of country’s busiest airports including Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Mumbai. We thank our over 1.5 lakh passengers who fly with IndiGo every day. IndiGo will continue to provide an on-time, courteous and hassle-free service, and affordable fares to our customers, as always.”
IndiGo was also ranked as 4th most punctual airline globally in the mega airline category by OAG, air travel Intelligence Company. In its Annual review – Punctuality League 2018, OAG included on-time performance for the world’s Top 20 busiest domestic and international routes. IndiGo was ranked 4th amongst Top 20 mega airlines and 9th amongst Top 20 Low-cost carriers (LCCs) by OTP. IndiGo was the only Indian airline to have made it in the list of top 20 mega airlines.