Kerala Tourism was voted as ‘India’s favorite Waterfront Destination’ for Alleppey by the HolidayIQ Better Holiday Awards. Jitendra Singh, Union Minister of State for Prime Minister’s Office & Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region presented this prestigious award to Dr. Venu V, Principal Secretary, Kerala Tourism. The event was also attended by Priyank Khagre (Hon’ble Minister of State for tourists & IT, Government of Karnataka), Umang Bedi (Facebook, MD), luminaries from India’s tourism fraternity & other dignitaries.
Venu V said, “It is an honour to receive an award which recognises the efforts of the Tourism Department. This award reiterates the popularity of the state tourism as it was chosen by over 15 crore Indian travellers. Kerala Tourism department is always keen in implementing new and innovative ideas and projects for the growth of Kerala as the best destination. Prestigious awards like these are an inspiration to raise the benchmark in taking up new initiatives which will further enhance our projects to provide best-in-class experience in the future as well. In 2016, foreign and domestic tourists’ arrival to Kerala has increased by 6.23 per cent and 5.67 per cent respectively, demonstrating the increasing popularity of Kerala as one of the preferred tourist destinations of India.”
Kadakampalli Surendran, Minister for Tourism, Government of Kerala said, “I’m excited to learn that Alleppey, the evergreen backwater destination of Kerala, continues to be the favourite among the travellers and tour operators. Getting an award for another individual feature of the state in itself shows how versatile our state is as a tourist destination. And I’m so overwhelmed by the fact that Kerala is gaining popularity and is preferred by people all over.”
Alleppey, or Alappuzha is famous across the world for its vast scenic undulating network of freshwater lakes, lagoons, canals, and rivers that comprise the backwaters. Owing to the growing popularity of this destination, thousands of International and domestic tourists visit Alleppey every year.