TAAI successfully conducted the process of scheduling the 71st Annual General Meeting of Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) and Election of the Office Bearers and Members of the Managing Committee for the term 2022 – 2024. The receipt of nominations was closed at 5 PM on 15th September 2022. The nominations received in sealed envelopes were opened in presence of the members who were present at 5 PM on 15th September 2022 and were available while the scrutiny was being done.
It was informed to the nominees that if any of the above member wishes to withdraw his / her nomination the same can be done before 17:00 hours on Friday, 23rd September 2022, by giving intimation in writing to the Hon. Secretary General, by post at the registered address of TAAI or by email generated through the members registered email ID.
We are pleased to share that TAAI created history once again by no one filing for nominations for position of Office Bearers. The members showed complete confidence in the current team led by Jyoti Mayal. The Annual General Meeting and the Elections will be held on Thursday, 29th of September 2022.