The Government of Odisha has approved eight more investment proposals worth Rs.1,649.49 crore in the 89th State Level Single Window Clearance Authority (SLSWCA) meeting. The meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary Asit Kumar Tripathy in Lok Seva Bhawan conference hall wherein Hemant Sharma, Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Industries outlined the project proposals for consideration. These proposals will create employment opportunities for 1450 people. The projects were approved in food processing, chemicals, plastics, tourism, steel downstream and Infrastructure.
In the Tourism sector, project by Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels Ltd. for expansion of its 5 star hotel with an investment of Rs. 150 Crores, has been approved which will provide employment for 150 people and another proposal by Kamat Hotels (India) Ltd. for expansion of its 5 star hotel, with an investment of Rs. 52 crore has also been approved and it will provide an additional employment to around 160 people.