Oman will soon be visible to Indian audiences in the Bollywood feature, Once Upon A Time in Mumbai Dobaara. A part of the film was shot in Oman including the capital city Muscat. In its effort to popularize Oman as a leisure destination to the premium Indian travellers, Ministry of Tourism – Oman associated itself with Balaji’s forthcoming multi-starrer.
Lubaina Sheerazi, India Representative, Ministry of Tourism, Sultanate of Oman believes, “Oman is a ‘must see’ for those who want to soak in some authentic Arabian experience with the glory of an ancient civilisation, miles of undisturbed coastline and a culture known for its legendary hospitality. We are very excited that the Indian audiences will witness this beautiful country on the big screen through a Bollywood film.”
Tanuj Garg, CEO, Balaji Motion Pictures, said, “We’ve shot a part of the film in Oman. We hope that through the marketing and branding association with us, this beautiful, scenic country can create an awareness and buzz.”
Along with the film association, the Ministry will run several promotional campaigns to reach out to the Indian audience who are looking for exotic and new destinations. As a part of this promotional campaign, the Ministry will also be running contests on social media platform and radio where the participants get a chance to win a bumper prize of three nights / four days luxury trip to Oman. The contest prizes are courtesy Ministry of Tourism, Oman Air, Shangri La’s Barr Al Jissah Resort & Spa and Tour Oman in Muscat.