Chicago-headquartered Society for Incentive Travel Excellence (SITE), a global network of travel and event professionals with over 2,000 members in over 90 countries, will be holding the SITE Global Conference 2015 in New Delhi at the Taj Palace from 23-25 October 2015. With the theme ‘Awaken your Senses’, the Conference is expected to attract 350-400 fully paid delegates, of which there will be at least 250-300 foreign buyers to whom we shall showcase India as a key incentive travel destination and a growing source market. The SITE India Chapter is also offering pre-event tours of the Taj Mahal and some 14 post-event tours.
Anup Nair, Conference Chair and President, SITE India Chapter, said that the Ministry of Tourism along with Air India, has extended its whole-hearted support. He stated that the event will serve as a knowledge forum and an excellent opportunity for the incentive travel industry in India to network with foreign stakeholders and build relationships. The world-class educational sessions at the conference would deliberate on trends and issues related to technology, human resources, return on investment, and more, he added.
There will also be a session conducted by the SITE Young Leaders Program (launched in India in January 2015), which is open to industry professionals aged 35 years or less and who have less than five years of experience. The Young Leaders, led by Nitin Sachdeva and Ayesha Nageshwaran, will help conduct a workshop at the Conference. “SITE, as a professional association, aims to bring together the fresh approach of young professionals with their millennial mindset and the experienced generation, to build business opportunities,” Nair added.
The Conference will include the prestigious SITE Crystal Awards Luncheon and the SITE Global Awards Dinner. Besides, the current Global President of SITE, Rhonda Brewer will hand over the gavel to Rajeev Kohli, who will be the first Asian to become the SITE President in 2016. The Republic of Panama, which is the next destination for the Global Conference 2016, will also host its announcement luncheon.
Devdutt Pattanaik, a leadership consultant, mythologist, and bestselling author, will be a keynote speaker at the event. Delegates will ‘Experience India’ with Deep Dive Sessions on yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, Indian cuisine, dance, music, mythology and Indian culture.
“The SITE Global Conference 2015, in New Delhi will be a game changer. The India Chapter membership has grown exponentially to over 50 today, with both Inbound and Outbound players joining, eager to benefit from this professional event. SITE has realised that Asia just cannot be ignored, and that the continent will soon be the hub of future growth in travel,” Nair concluded.