The roadshow was held in six cities across India, namely Hyderabad, Ahemdabad, Chennai, Bengaluru, Lucknow and Delhi. The roadshow in Delhi was organised in collaboration with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), and inaugurated by Krishnendu N Choudhury, Minister-in-Charge of Tourism, West Bengal. Present at the event were Vikram Sen, Principal Secretary (Tourism), West Bengal; Subhash Goyal, President, Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO); P P Khanna, Vice President, Association of Domestic Tour Operators of India (ADTOI); Sujit Banerjee, Secretary General WTCC (India Chapter); Bhaskar Khulbe, Additional CS & Principal Resident Commissioner; Umapada Chatterjee, Director (Tourism), West Bengal, members of the travel trade of Delhi and tour operators and hoteliers of West Bengal.
Apart from highlighting the latest initiatives taken by the department, as well as the tourism attractions of the state, the roadshow focused on the forthcoming Durga Puja Carnival, the biggest socio-cultural festival in West Bengal. The Department also dealt separately with investment opportunities in the tourism sector inviting local investors at the roadshow, and explaining to them the opportunities the state offers. “The tourism sector in the state has been given high priority. The government has increased the budget from Rs. 36 crores to Rs. 120 crores in the last two years. The Department of Tourism has started marketing and promotional initiatives in the domestic and overseas markets,” the Minister said.
Sen informed that BBC Worldwide commenced the airing of a 30-second advertisement and a 15-minute documentary on the state in July in Western Europe, South Asia, West Asia and Asia-Pacific for three months ending in September. “We expect the campaign to boost tourism to the state during the ensuing Durga Puja and other seasons,” Sen said. He further divulged that a team comprising of department officials, tour operators and hoteliers from the state will organise a roadshow in New York in September to invite nonresident Bengalis as well as US tourists to visit the Durga Puja.
Sen also detailed the latest initiatives taken by the department to strengthen tourism infrastructure. “We have chalked out a plan of Rs. 3490 crores investment in public-private projects to develop tourism-related infrastructure. We have divided the whole state into five zones: Darjeeling Himalayas, Dooars, Heritage Bengal, Megacity Kolkata and Beaches and Mangroves for various projects,” he added.
The West Bengal government recently signed a MoU with Pawan Hans to provide helicopter services on Kolkata-Haldia, Kolkata-Asansol, Kolkata-Durgapur, Kolkata-Digha, Kolkata-Ganga Sagar and Bagdogra-Darjeeling routes.
The government is also keen on developing air connectivity to the state and recently reduced the tax on ATF. “There would be 50 per cent rebate on tax on additional ATF sold to any airline from Kolkata airport compared to corresponding ATF consumed by the airline in 2012-13,” Choudhury said. Sen informed that night landing permits have already given at Bagdogra and Durgapur airport will be ready by the year end. “New airports are planned in Cooch Behar and Malda,” he informed.