The newly launched Part Payment Option helps travelers to get a confirmed booking by paying only 10–40% of the total fare upfront, the remaining balance must be paid either before the travel date or within 45 days of booking.
MakeMyTrip has introduced a new feature to conveniently book international flight bookings. The newly launched Part Payment Option helps travelers to get a confirmed booking by paying only 10–40% of the total fare upfront, with the exact percentage determined by factors such as the airline, travel sector, and the advance purchase window.
The remaining balance must be paid either before the travel date or within 45 days of booking, whichever comes first, at no additional cost. This industry-first feature addresses a common pain point for travelers, particularly larger families or groups, who may find it challenging to pay the entire ticket amount upfront when booking an international flight. Users opting for the part payment option can modify their confirmed bookings after completing the full payment as per fare rules.
Highlighting the benefits of the part payment option, Saujanya Shrivastava, Chief Operating Officer – Flights, Holidays & Gulf, MakeMyTrip, said, “Making travel simpler and more accessible is central to our mission. By leveraging technology and innovation, we continuously address real challenges faced by travelers. This industry-first part-payment feature exemplifies our commitment, empowering more Indians to book international flights with greater convenience and flexibility.”
The initial response has been encouraging, with adoption observed among solo travelers, pairs, and families for both long-haul and short-haul international flights. The initial proportion of travelers leveraging the part payment option organically to purchase international tickets exceeding INR 1 lakh is significantly higher than the usual average.
MakeMyTrip launches part-payment option for international flights