The German National Tourist Board (GNTB) is increasing its marketing activities in the South East Asia region. The focus of the sales and marketing activities will be on Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. “In 2015 about 2 million trips to Europe were made from these four important high-growth markets, nearly 300,000 of these were to Germany” according to Petra Hedorfer, Chief Executive Officer of the GNTB. “By 2030 the volume of overnight stays from the Asian source markets in which we haven’t had a presence so far could more than double, from 1.4 million to 3.3 million. We aim to take advantage of these significant opportunities for growth.”
The volume of outbound travel from Singapore increased by 22 per cent between 2009 and 2015, from 5.5. to 6.7 million. Six per cent of these trips were to Europe. The number of trips to Germany over the same period rose from 39,000 to 65,000, a particularly strong increase of 67 per cent. Germany is the third most popular holiday destination after the UK and Italy.
Between 2009 and 2015 the volume of outbound travel from Indonesia increased by 41 per cent, from 5.1 million to 7.2 million. In 2015 around 600,000 of these overseas trips, more than 8 per cent, were to Europe, with just under 16 per cent (around 95,000) going to Germany. This makes Germany the second most popular destination for Indonesians flying to Europe, after the Netherlands.
The volume of outbound travel from Malaysia increased by more than two-thirds from 3.5 to 5.9 million between 2009 and 2015. Nine per cent of trips were to Europe, and of these twelve per cent were to Germany. Germany is the fourth most popular European holiday destination for Malaysians with 62,000 trips.
The volume of outbound travel from Thailand increased by almost two-thirds from 2.4 to 4.0 million between 2009 and 2015. Eleven per cent of trips were to Europe, and of these 16 per cent were to Germany. Germany is the top European holiday destination for Thais, ahead of the UK, with 71,000 trips.