German car rental company Sixt SE has notched a strong first half year 2014. The consolidated operating revenue for the first six months increased by 8.5 per cent to EUR 760.2 million compared to the same period last year. The total Group revenue climbed 6 per cent to EUR 823.8 million. Earnings developed encouragingly with earnings before taxes (EBT) registering a growth of 16.7 per cent to EUR 67.5 million. Based on the good first half year, the Managing Board affirms its previous outlook for the whole of 2014.
Erich Sixt, Chairman of the Managing Board, Sixt SE said, “The first six months have shown that Sixt is in top shape. Our growth is broadly based, with the ongoing expansion abroad remaining the driver for the encouraging growth in revenue. However, we also recorded a solid revenue growth in Germany. We will continue to utilise growth opportunities with resolve but sound judgment to gain further market shares.”