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World Tourism Day 2024: Industry speaks on how travel connects the world for a peaceful tomorrow

On the occasion of World Tourism Day, the global travel community celebrates the transformative power of tourism in fostering cultural exchange and sustainable development. This year’s theme highlights the role of tourism in driving inclusive growth and promoting peace across borders.

T3 collates the opinions of prominent names from the industry on World Tourism Day 2024.

  1. Abinash Manghani, CEO, WelcomHeritage Hotels

    They say “In Rome do as the Romans do “. Travel broadens the mind and fosters a sense of shared humanity. It provides opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds to connect, learn from each other and develop a deeper understanding of different cultures. When tourists engage with local communities, they immerse themselves in different traditions, customs, and ways of life, leading to mutual respect and understanding.

    Right kind of tourism can support local economies, preserving its cultural essence and instilling a sense of pride amongst local communities. Eco-friendly practices to preserve the environment have their non-negotiable space in the narrative, however, active local community participation is absolutely pertinent to achieving sustainability in travel. A tourism model that offers better livelihood opportunities and improves standards of living for the local communities creates a sense of partnership where they, instead of viewing tourism as a threat to their environment and culture, become engaged stakeholders.

    Tourism operators and government have the necessary platform to introduce and integrate principles of responsible tourism. Government-run educational campaigns that raise awareness about the impact of conscious travel is essential. Regular assessment of the tourism model and analysis of its impact on the region- positive and negative, will help set recommended guidelines to improve and mitigate any adverse consequences on the people or the environment. Partnerships between public and private sectors can ensure that tourism is a necessary force for sustained development in the industry.

  2. Manoj Dharmani, CEO, DUDigital Global

    Tourism has immense potential as a bridge for fostering peace between nations and cultures. As a powerful economic engine, it creates revenue and jobs that can elevate living standards and reduce socioeconomic disparities, thereby discouraging conflict and encouraging cooperation. With cultural and historical travel accounting for 40% of global tourism, it provides unique opportunities for people to learn about different cultures firsthand, breaking down stereotypes and promoting mutual understanding.

    Tourists themselves play a crucial role in this process by engaging respectfully with local communities, supporting local businesses, participating in sustainable tourism activities, and acting as informal ambassadors for their own countries.

    Sustainable tourism practices can significantly contribute to a region’s long-term stability and peace by incentivizing environmental conservation, ensuring equitable distribution of economic benefits, and preserving local cultures. Tourism operators and governments can encourage peace-focused and conscious travel experiences by supporting local businesses, educating travelers about responsible practices, diversifying destinations to balance visitor influx, implementing eco-friendly initiatives, and facilitating meaningful cultural exchanges.

  3. Evgeny Kozlov, Chairman of the Moscow City Tourism Committee

    Tourism is a very special field, it is not simply an economу sector, a source of income for the city or a type of leisure activity. Tourism is an opportunity to get acquainted with new cultures and learn about their heritage. Tourism is a way to explore new places and meet new people. It allows us to better understand ourselves and the society, to appreciate the traditions and achievements of other cultures and also to enjoy unfamiliar scenery and architecture.

    Traveling allows people to build tolerance, acceptance and understanding of the world. In its Tourism Development Program until 2030, Moscow focuses on cultural tourism. Currently every second guest arriving in the capital visits a museum, an exhibition or an art space. And every fifth person chooses to go to the theater or to attend a sports event. We create cultural and leisure opportunities that help to establish connections among different people. In Moscow both tourists and residents are united by the common interest in all sorts of new experiences that expand their horizons. 

  4. Kush Kapoor – CEO, Roseate Hotels and Resorts

    Tourism has the incredible potential to act as a bridge for fostering peace between nations and cultures through shared experiences. By embracing the regional and seasonal aspects of the places tourists visit – such as participating in local festivals, trying traditional cuisine, or wearing regional attire – they become more than just visitors; they become part of that region or community.

    Stability and peace come from a deep sense of connect with people. Our traditions of warmth, service and hospitality that ebb from ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ hugely impact the larger quest for peace. Tourism can be sustainable when a tourist feels welcomed in a foreign country. We have to ensure their safety, security and wellbeing at any cost. Hotels can play a significant role by collaborating with governments and local communities to organize events that celebrate cultural diversity and encourage dialogue. As India has the largest number of travelers, we have a unique opportunity to lead by example.

    Sustainability is at the core of what we do. We focus greatly on long-term stability, positive travel experiences and environmental conservation through initiatives and practices. Moreover, education is key; by working with government and hotel brands to inform the local population about the benefits of tourism will boost employment and cultural exchange and understanding. Every 100 kms, India’s culture, language, food etc. change – we have the opportunity to expand awareness and appreciation for this wealth. Inclusivity, awareness and education is the key.

  5. Mani Ganeshan, Senior Vice President, Head of APAC Engineering, and Amadeus India

    Traditional tourism models are no longer enough in a world where travelers are demanding more than just experiences – they want to leave a positive mark on the places they visit. This isn’t just a shift in mindset; it’s a fundamental redefinition of what travel should be. Moving beyond a ‘leave no trace’ approach, we now need to focus on actively restoring and revitalizing communities and ecosystems. This isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s a business imperative as conscious consumers increasingly align with brands that demonstrate real, tangible impact.

    Technology is the game changer here. It has the power to turn tourism into a regenerative force. Through our Travel4IMPACT initiative, we are empowering SMEs—businesses that traditionally lack the resources to focus on sustainability—to leverage travel tech for sustainability, cultural preservation, and community growth. Amadeus is committed to making every journey a step towards a more sustainable and peaceful world. The future of travel isn’t just about where we go—it’s about how we leave the world a better place in the process.

  6. P.P Khanna, President, ADTOI

    Tourism has the potential to promote peace, particularly when there is collective action from both the private and public sector, where tourism can act as an important sector to revive an economy that has been damaged due to conflict and civil war, and that tourism that promotes niche tourism as a force for reconciliation, income generation and socio-economic activities.

    Community participation in tourism development has a big effect on resolving conflicts and that community participation lets locals enjoy the benefits of tourism activities and gives them the power to improve their skills through small business ventures. The world continues to face many challenges and multiple health, natural and man-made crisis – putting a clear danger to the livelihoods and wellbeing of people and the planet. Tourism, as one of the most resilient sectors can help face and overcome these impacts.

    The local community participation towards sustainable tourism development is very essential. Cross section of people visiting destinations should be educated to respect the local tradition, culture and stakeholders of tourism has responsibility and can contribute to the cause by explaining do’s and don’ts the tourists while visiting various destinations. Home stays can play a vital role when the tourists stay close to the nature and this can be explained easily to the visitors.

  7. Sarbendra Sarkar, Founder & Managing Director, Cygnett Hotels & Resorts

    Through tourism, we open a window of understanding, where cultural exchanges foster unity in diversity. Tourists are ambassadors of peace and cultural understanding. When traveling to a foreign country, they have the unique opportunity to break down barriers and build bridges by embracing local customs, traditions, and values with respect and openness.

    Every positive interaction creates a ripple effect, fostering mutual appreciation and breaking stereotypes. By approaching with curiosity, empathy, and a genuine desire to understand, tourists play a vital role in shaping a more unified and peaceful world. By embracing sustainable practices, we not only safeguard the environment but also strengthen the social and economic fabric of the regions we operate in. This, in turn, fosters peace and stability by ensuring that tourism benefits everyone—guests, locals, and the planet alike.

    Tourism operators and governments can drive peace-focused travel by creating opportunities for cultural exchange and promoting responsible tourism practices. As I have emphasized before, tourism is not just about exploration; it’s a powerful tool for fostering understanding between diverse cultures. Operators can design experiences that connect travellers with local communities, emphasizing respect for cultural traditions and the environment. The government can offer incentives, subsidies, and tax benefits to hotels and resorts that invest in renewable energy sources such as solar power. Financial support for installing solar panels, wind turbines, or other sustainable energy solutions can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of hotels.

  8. Shikhar Kumar, MD, Stone Wood Hotels & Resorts

    Tourism serves as a powerful bridge for fostering peace and understanding across nations and cultures. By opening properties in popular tourist destinations across India, we provide platforms where people from diverse backgrounds can connect and share experiences. Our guests play an active role in this process. When they engage with local communities, participate in cultural experiences, and respect the traditions of the destinations they visit, they contribute to cross-cultural dialogue and understanding. By supporting local economies through sustainable tourism, our guests help build stronger, more harmonious relationships between travellers and host communities.

    We are committed to preserving the local environment, protecting cultural heritage, and contributing to the economic well-being of communities. This holistic approach to tourism fosters long-term regional stability and peace by reducing inequality and promoting local pride. Tourism operators and governments can further promote peace-focused travel by encouraging experiences that emphasize environmental responsibility, cultural preservation, and meaningful engagement with local communities.

  9. Sheetal Munshaw, Director India, Atout France

    France recently hosted the Olympics in its capital city in summer 2024. Having played host to this world renowned and emblematic event of this magnitude has been a veritable symbol of how travelling across the globe, congregating in one country, bringing together people from diverse nations, faiths, cultures and values is the most humbling yet enlightening experience.

    When tourists visit another country they demonstrate a curiosity and a wanderlust to gain new insights, to savour new experiences and in turn they bring their cultures, their history, their heritage and their legacy across the globe becoming ambassadors of their own countries and origins. “Not all those who wander are lost.” One of my favourite quotes by J.R.R. Tolkien. Travellers seek the unknown, go beyond their boundaries both physically and metaphorically, learn and imbibe their travel’s treasures.

    Sustainable tourism practices endorse indigenous, artisanal, organic and locally made products, services and offerings that are the very best way to showcase one’s country on the one hand but also to support local communities, sustain economies all while enriching traveller experiences. In addition, slow travel, soaking in the moment, using means of travel that are more responsible and conscious, certainly contribute to long-term sustainability goals and ambitions, which are indispensable to ensure a safer environment and future for us all.

    These practices can enhance the environmental stability, essential for a world that is very vulnerable and at the crossroads of many challenges.

  10. Erika Rathi, Director, Namaste Dwaar Resort

    We believe that tourism is a powerful force for fostering peace between nations and cultures. It offers a platform for individuals from diverse backgrounds to interact, share experiences, and break down misconceptions. By engaging in cultural exchanges, travelers can develop a deeper appreciation for the richness of other cultures and traditions, bridging gaps that may exist due to distance, politics, or historical conflicts.

    Tourists themselves play a crucial role in promoting peace and understanding. When they visit a foreign country with an open mind and respect for local customs, they act as ambassadors of peace. By making conscious efforts to understand cultural differences, tourists contribute to breaking stereotypes, creating a sense of global unity and shared humanity. Sustainable tourism practices contribute to the long-term stability and peace of a region by preserving the environment, supporting local economies, and ensuring the well-being of host communities.

    Tourism operators and governments can play a pivotal role in promoting peace-focused travel by raising awareness about the benefits of sustainable and responsible tourism. They can encourage conscious travel experiences by offering incentives for eco-friendly tourism businesses, developing policies that protect natural and cultural resources, and fostering cross-cultural education programs. By creating opportunities for tourists to engage in community growth and protection initiatives, travel can become a force for positive change.

  11. Sanjay Sethi, CEO and Managing Director, Chalet Hotels Limited

    We are proud to be part of an industry that not only showcases the cultural richness of India but also contributes to the social and economic upliftment of communities. The Government of India’s proactive initiatives, such as the e-Visa facility, the Swadesh Darshan scheme, and the PRASHAD program, are driving remarkable growth in the tourism sector. With India projected to become the fifth-largest travel and tourism market by 2027, these initiatives are enabling a more seamless and enriching travel experience while promoting sustainable and inclusive development.

    As we look towards the future, we remain committed to supporting these efforts and ensuring that tourism continues to be a force for positive change, both for our nation and the world.

  12. Ellona Pereira, Head, AVIAREPS India

    Tourism has a unique ability to bridge nations and cultures, fostering peace and understanding in an increasingly interconnected world. With global and outbound tourism from India on the rise, travellers are not just exploring new destinations – they’re embracing diverse food, cultures, and climates. This exposure helps break down barriers, creating empathy and a sense of shared humanity.

    Today’s travellers are more conscious and self-aware, recognizing the importance of respecting local customs and preserving the environment. Many see travel as a pathway to personal well-being and global peace, as it opens minds and fosters unity. In this digital era, travellers can now visualize their experiences before stepping foot in a foreign land, enhancing mental preparation and engagement. This synergy of technology, awareness, and cultural exchange is helping shape a brighter, more connected future for global society.

    Sustainable tourism is essential for fostering long-term peace and stability by safeguarding a region’s natural resources, preserving its cultural heritage, and promoting respectful interactions between visitors and locals. To encourage more peace-focused and conscious travel, tourism operators and governments must promote responsible tourism, invest in eco-friendly initiatives, and educate travelers on the importance of respecting local cultures and protecting the environment. In this effort, representation companies, OTAs, and tourism boards play a pivotal role by offering a comprehensive approach—from sparking curiosity to nurturing well-rounded, responsible travelers.

  13. Anupam Vig, General Manager of Finnair in India

    On World Tourism Day, we are reminded of the significant role tourism plays in creating jobs and promoting cultural exchange. Tourism offers communities the opportunity to share their unique stories, traditions, and landscapes, fostering understanding and connection between diverse cultures and societies.

    However, we must also recognize that aviation emissions contribute to climate change. To continue enjoying the social and economic benefits that flying brings, we need to reduce the fossil carbon emissions from our operations. At Finnair, our vision for the future is clear: to accelerate aviation’s transition away from fossil fuels. This year, our contribution to solving the climate challenge of aviation took an important step forward as we submitted our new climate target for validation to Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

    We believe that responsible tourism not only drives economic growth but also strengthens local communities and preserves the rich heritage we all share. By encouraging respectful travel and cultural exchange, we can contribute to a more connected and understanding world.

  14. Alefiya Singh, Director, IRIS Reps India

    As we celebrate World Tourism Day 2024, the theme ‘Tourism and Peace’ perfectly aligns with our mission at IRIS Reps. By representing international hospitality brands, we strive to foster meaningful connections through travel, promoting peace and understanding across diverse cultures.

    Cultural exchanges foster dialogue, bridge divides, and contribute to a more harmonious global community, showcasing how tourism can be a driving force for peace. Moreover, by offering responsible travel options, the properties we represent ensure that tourism supports long-term peace, sustainability, and prosperity.

    Tourism serves as a bridge to peace, fostering understanding and creating connections that build a more peaceful and interconnected world. By promoting sustainable, culturally enriching travel, IRIS Reps and its partners contribute to a future where tourism nurtures peace and harmony globally.

  15. Gcobani Mancotywa, Regional General Manager for Asia, Australasia, and the Middle East, South African Tourism

    Tourism has been a key driver in strengthening the bond between India and South Africa, built on more than 30 years of strong bilateral relations. It serves as a powerful bridge, connecting people across cultures and nations contributing to the steady increase in travel between our countries. By promoting travel and shared experiences, we continue to build on the mutual understanding and cooperation that define our relationship.

    Sustainable tourism plays a critical role in contributing to South Africa’s long-term stability and socio-economic development. Focusing on creating equitable opportunities for marginalized communities, we aim to empower local populations with the tourism sector contributing approximately 3.7% to the GDP and generating employment for 5 to 8 individuals for every tourist who visits. Our approach is committed to increasing visibility for lesser-known regions, or ‘Small Dorpies,’ to ease the environmental impact on popular destinations and drive job creation where it is most needed.

    Additionally, we advocate for inclusive policies that uplift underrepresented groups, ensuring that communities are directly involved in and benefit from tourism planning. Through partnerships across the public and private sectors, we are aligning tourism development with sustainability goals. This approach fosters economic growth, enhances traveller experiences, and preserves our country’s cultural and natural heritage for future generations.

  16. Rahim Aslam, Founder & Consultant, One Above Destination Management Services

    I believe tourism can transcend borders, fostering meaningful connections between nations and cultures. Travelers often engage with locals, breaking down stereotypes and building empathy. For instance, exploring Saudi Arabia and Jordan allows visitors to appreciate the warmth and hospitality of these cultures, creating opportunities for cross-cultural dialogue and understanding.

    Sustainable tourism practices are essential for ensuring long-term stability and peace. By focusing on environmental conservation and community engagement, we can create a positive impact on local economies and enhance residents’ quality of life. Encouraging peace-focused travel experiences involves promoting fair trade and cultural immersion programs, helping travelers recognize the positive impact of their choices.

    Tourism can be a powerful force for good, bridging divides and nurturing harmony. As we celebrate World Tourism Day, let’s embrace our role in fostering a more peaceful world through our travels.

  17. Krishna Rathi, Senior Country Director India Subcontinent and MEA at Agoda

    Tourism is about more than travel, it’s about connecting people with the world. through travel. And even better if this doesn’t break your bank balance. This World Tourism Day, Agoda celebrates the joy of discovering new cultures and destinations at prices that make travel easier than ever. As borders open wider for Indian travelers, we at Agoda invite all travelersto see the world for less, creating unforgettable memories without a hefty price tag. Whether yol are uncovering hidden gems across india or planning your next global adventure, Agoda is here to make your journey affordable and full of wonder. Let’s explore more, spend less, and bridge the world through travel.

  18. Markus Tan, Regional Director for India, Middle East, South Asia, and Africa, Singapore Tourism Board

    World Tourism Day is more than just discovering new places; it is about connecting cultures, fostering an understanding, and building a more peaceful world. This year’s theme, “Tourism and Peace”, resonates deeply with our mission at the Singapore Tourism Board, and we believe that tourism is a force for good, driving economic growth, environmental stewardship, and enhancing social cohesion.

    Every traveller becomes a peace ambassador, and their actions, whether supporting local businesses, using public transport, participating in cultural activities, or protecting nature and wildlife, can make a profound impact. Sustainability also plays a crucial role in ensuring that tourism remains a positive force for peace.

    As part of the Singapore Green Plan 2030, we believe it is important to invest in the local citizens, tourism businesses when attracting the global citizen. With our vision to become one of the world’s most sustainable urban destinations, we are working closely with our tourism stakeholders to execute a robust strategy for the sector.

    On this World Tourism Day, we extend our heartfelt wishes to our partners and peers across the industry. Together, we can ensure that tourism continues to protect the planet and bring people together.

  19. Damcho Rinzin, Director, Department of Tourism, Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment (MoICE)

    Tourism serves as a vital means for peace between nations and cultures by facilitating cross-cultural understanding and fostering mutual respect. When tourists engage with local communities, they have the opportunity to experience diverse traditions, customs, and perspectives firsthand, which helps break down stereotypes and build empathy. This consequently cultivates tolerance and inclusivity, thus setting the ground for peace and appreciation. Tourism could, in fact, ensure economic growth and stability through jobs and the development of local economies, thus fostering social stability.

    Sustainable tourism practices play a key role in promoting long-term stability and peace by preserving local environments and cultures, while ensuring that tourism benefits are shared equitably among communities. Tourism operators and governments can promote peace-focused travel by encouraging cultural exchange programs, responsible travel behaviors, and environmentally conscious practices. By offering experiences that emphasize respect for local traditions and ecosystems, they help foster understanding and mutual respect between visitors and host communities, laying the groundwork for peaceful interactions and long-term harmony.

  20. Naresh Rawal- Senior Vice President – Sales & Marketing- Resorts World Cruises

    On Tourism Day, we are reminded of the ability to experience joy in simple ways brought to our lives through traveling. It is more than just visiting new sites and destinations; it is living an experience that takes us out of a normal plodding routine, expands the horizon of what is possible within our lives, and connects us with the world in meaningful ways. Travel provides us with lots of stories to tell, memories to enjoy, and an increased reflection on the beauty that surrounds us. In many ways, it has become an integral part of living a wholehearted life.

    Cruising adds another level to the experience. There’s magic to this mode of travel, especially on open seas. There is a feel to open voyages, where adventure traverses and touches peace along the way. And Resorts World Cruises embodies that spirit, offering travellers not destinations but a way to experience the world in comfort and style. You can enjoy a meal with your loved ones, indulge in world-class entertainment, indulge in spa treatments, or indulge in retail therapy with some of the most renowned fashion brands on board.

    So let us celebrate travel today, not just for where it might take us, but also for how it makes our lives richer and closer to the world and ourselves.

  21. Nishant Kashikar, Country Manager- India & Gulf, Tourism Australia

    Travel and Tourism helps to strengthen people-to-people ties and has the potential to be a powerful force for cultural understanding. It can broaden horizons and challenge prejudices, enabling a greater appreciation for diverse cultures and perspectives. The travel industry is evolving towards more immersive, interactive, and responsible forms of tourism. This trend aligns with the growing desire of travellers to connect with local communities and contribute positively to their destinations.

    When individuals travel, they engage with various cultures, traditions, and lifestyles, which can help cultivate respect and empathy. Their actions, such as participating in cultural activities, supporting local economies, and engaging in respectful dialogue with locals, can significantly impact the way they are perceived and the way they perceive their hosts.

    Sustainable tourism practices can play a vital role in enhancing the long-term stability of a destination by supporting local communities, encouraging cultural exchange, and safeguarding the environment. Conscious travellers represent a new wave of tourists who seek out destinations that offer sustainable activities and prioritise the preservation of natural landscapes.

    A key component of these efforts includes our tourism offerings that adopt a sustainability-first approach, along with partnerships with tourism operators to develop restorative and regenerative travel opportunities.

  22. Neeti Sharma, Director, AllKnown Marketers, Intrepid Marketing & Communications

    Tourism plays a vital role in fostering peace by allowing individuals to step into the shoes of others. When tourists immerse themselves in a foreign culture, they experience its values and sentiments firsthand, which nurtures empathy and understanding.

    Tourists themselves act as ambassadors of goodwill. By sharing their experiences, whether through social media, blogs, or personal conversations, they can challenge stereotypes and combat biases. Each story has the potential to reshape perceptions, fostering a more open-minded outlook towards different cultures. Through these shared narratives, tourists can create connections that transcend borders, promoting dialogue and understanding.

    To foster long-term stability and peace of a region, prioritising environmental protection, cultural preservation, and economic equity are essential. To encourage peace-focused travel experiences, tourism operators and governments must strive to – Provide travelers with insights into local culture, history, and social issues, suggest collaboration with local communities to directly support local artisans and businesses, encourage conscious choices, such as reducing waste and respecting local customs, and partner with NGOs and peace organizations to create programs that promote understanding and reconciliation.

  23. Kanwarjit Singh Sawhney, Secretary, Indian Tourist Transporters Association (ITTA)

    Tourism can serve as a bridge for fostering peace between nations and cultures in several ways. Tourism allows people to experience different cultures firsthand, promoting understanding and empathy. Tourists interact with locals, fostering personal connections and breaking down stereotypes. Tourism generates income and creates jobs, promoting economic development and stability. Tourists learn about history, customs, and perspectives, dispelling misconceptions and building bridges. Travelers become ambassadors for their country, promoting cross-cultural understanding and peace.

    Tourists themselves play a significant role in promoting peace and understanding by embracing local customs, traditions, and environments. Understanding the local perspective and past experiences and choosing local accommodations, food, and activities, contributing to economic development, is another vital aspect. Tourists also help in spreading knowledge and positive impressions about the destination, promoting peace and understanding. By embracing these principles, tourists can become agents of peace, fostering greater understanding and cooperation between nations and cultures.

    By prioritizing sustainable tourism practices and peace-focused travel experiences, we can contribute to the long-term stability and peace of regions, fostering a more harmonious and equitable world.

  24. Gaurav Mudgal, Vice President Commercial, Aamaghati Wildlife Resort, Ranthambore

    Tourism serves as a unique gateway to fostering peace between nations and cultures through an immersive jungle-themed experience. Guests exploring Ranthambore National Park encounter India’s majestic wildlife while engaging with local communities and their conservation traditions. This interaction cultivates cross-cultural understanding, allowing tourists to appreciate India’s deep environmental connections. By participating in local customs and supporting sustainable practices, visitors become ambassadors of peace, helping to bridge cultural gaps.

  25. Munnmunn Marwah, COO, Think Strawberries 

    Tourism can serve as a vital bridge for fostering peace by encouraging cultural exchange and mutual understanding between nations. When travellers engage with local communities, they gain insights into different ways of life, helping to break down stereotypes and build empathy.

    Tourists play a crucial role in this process; by showing respect for local customs and engaging in meaningful interactions, they contribute to a shared sense of humanity. Additionally, responsible tourism can support economic development and promote dialogue, paving the way for stronger international relationships and a more peaceful coexistence among diverse cultures.

    Sustainable tourism practices can significantly contribute to the long-term stability and peace of a region by promoting environmental conservation, supporting local economies, and fostering cultural preservation.

    Tourism operators can encourage peace-focused and conscious travel experiences by offering tours to sustainable destinations which focus on small group journeys that benefit local communities. Of course, the onus is also on the governments to support these efforts by implementing policies that prioritise sustainable tourism development. Many countries are gradually opting for high-value, low-impact tourism. By raising awareness about the importance of peace and sustainability in travel, both operators and governments can cultivate a more responsible tourism culture that contributes to lasting stability.





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